Sunday, June 3, 2012

Surrendering your Life to God

I was looking at some of the blog sites that I follow today. I came to the blog FAITH THAT STANDS THE TEST and read this story. It was very moving. What happened to the author of the blog… it’s just an amazing testimony. Here’s the blog entry:
God has given me a love for all those who visits this site. I believe that He has a purpose for bringing all of you to the messages that he gives me to write.  It is for this reason that I take seriously my burden to pray for each of you.
A few weeks ago, a young man visited my site and then emailed me with a question. He seemed troubled and yet I could see that he had faith.  I want you to read what he wrote:
“I was on the internet one night and I came across you.  I really liked it.  My name is Christopher.  You see, I don’t understand life. God says He loves us, but yet, he took away the people I love.  I only just started going to church.  I enjoy it but life is still tough for me.  My heart belongs to God.  I know that, but it is so hard to walk away from my friends.  I want to serve and give my whole life to Him, but I am going to lose my family and friends. Advise please.”
I responded to Chris and explained about the surrendered life to Christ. When you are a believer, Christ is first in your life and you must be willing to give him all that you have and allow him to work in you.  I explained a lot of things to him and told him to keep praying for his family and friends but that he must move ahead with his new life in Christ.
I did not hear from him that month, but last week, I received an email from his sister.  She told me that her family had no idea that her little brother was going through this.  She went on to tell me that Chris was no longer with us.  When I asked her what happened, she told me an amazing story.  She said that her brother had made a decision to follow Christ.  He stood firm in this decision despite the fact that his family and friends did not like it and thought he totally lost his mind.  He even left a  girlfriend of three years because she chose alcohol and her lifestyle over a relationship with Christ. 
About two weeks after writing to me, Chris was driving on his way to church.  Just before he arrived, Chris got into a very serious accident which left him dying.  His last words to his family was a plea for them to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.  He whispered that Jesus was near to him right then and that he was not afraid to die! With that, he left this earth.  What a bold testimony of faith he had! Because of his faith, that 20-year-old young man is now with Jesus in heaven. 
By the power of Christ alone, Chris was able to choose to do what was right.  He made the hard decision to leave all that he had to get all that Christ had to give him. He was willing to go wherever Christ would lead him.  That young man had no idea when he wrote to me for advice that he had only a few weeks left to live!
I am humbled that God brought Chris to my blog.  I prayed for him and his family.  Christopher’s sister wrote that his  death changed everything for them.  Now the whole family wants to honor Chris and his prayers for them, so they decided to start attending the local church.  One young man with the courage of his conviction and a faith that stood the test was able to impact his whole family with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
After his death, the grieving family went through Christopher’s things and found his diary and the email he sent me.  I was sent a copy of something that he had written in his diary.  It brought me to tears. My dear friends, please read what this young man wrote from a heart that had been radically changed for Christ:
 ” I’ve been in love before, but in love with God is nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life.  A friend who I didn’t know existed and who was always around anytime 24/7.  I don’t regret my decision.  I regret not making this decision earlier.  I always thought people who went to church are all perfect and holy.  But no, they are just as broken as I am.  God knows best.  I pray that my family and friends will soon experience the love of God.  I don’t have a dad.  Never met him, never seen or heard from him.  But I stopped looking for him and wondering what a father is because I just found a Father of all fathers—-God! ”
My beloved friends, I don’t know where you are right now or what you have done. The truth is that Jesus wants you with him.  He has known your name long before he formed the world.  His love is true and he is faithful.  He has a way to bring you to victory no matter how impossible it may seem now.    Your weakness is now made strong by his power.  Christ can give you a future with hope and an eternity with him if you will surrender your heart to him.
The power of Christ gave a young man the courage to stand for his faith despite the outcome.  He gave him hope for a future and an unconditional love that he had never known before.  Chris never met his earthly father.  But the God of all heaven was a Father  to him whose eyes never left this young man for a second.  His life was cut short, but Chris made the decision for Christ that would last into eternity!
Have you made that decision to follow Christ?  You don’t have to wonder about it anymore. I am praying for you and I am here to talk to you if you have any questions.  My hope is that those who need to hear the truth will be open to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a free gift that is yours for the asking. 
I am lifting up Christopher’s family in prayer for comfort and healing.  I pray that they will continue to seek Christ and surrender to the only truth that matters! Just as Chris was not afraid to die – no believer ever has to fear death.
I think I will repeat the beginning of the diary entry:

“I’ve been in love before, but in love with God is nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life.  A friend who I didn’t know existed and who was always around anytime 24/7.  I don’t regret my decision.  I regret not making this decision earlier….”

How many of us can say that? It’s just… wow.