Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thought Soup

I've noticed a linkage between reading God's Word and answers to my prayers. Now, Christians that I know reading this will be kind of like, 'duh' but read this anyway. When you read God's Word, and not only read but meditate- engraining the meaning into your mind (not so much the words, I'm not talking about memorization) you as a person become more "in tuned", for lack of a better word, with God's sovereign will. This means that what you are actually asking for is something that is good for you.
I know this isn't miraculous to you as a reader because there is no proof of this as God's answers to my prayers usually cannot be something that is tangible to others, but I know it has been answered because I sometimes see the results.
To begin with, God's answered what I call, 'thought-passage prayers'. I'll be reading some passage in scripture Tuesday or Saturday night and something will stick out to me that I find fascinating/ wishing it was something to be brought up at church or something I have questions about. I'll go to bed praying to God about that passage, and usually, about 90% of the time, that passage shows up somewhere either in the order of worship, Wednesday night youth group sheet, someone's testimony on the passage, Sunday school/"family bible time", or preaching and sometimes elsewhere. And the passage is always either explained to me or brought to the churches attention, or whatever I had prayed for that night before.
I think the biggest example had to be this last Wednesday night. All the day before and that Wednesday, I was thinking about life and the spiritual battle that we have. On Tuesday, I was waiting for my shift at work, and I was going to have some devotions. The daily verse was in Matthew 5:44-45. I thought, "I remember when that was easy to believe." So I read the whole passage of Matthew 5. The whole time thinking, "I miss the time that that was easy to live out. What happened?"
The next day, I read my sister's blog, 'the social introvert' (p.s. - if you haven't already, check her blog out.), and she talked about how she felt lonely and spiritual dead being surrounded by coworkers who gossip and say curse words on a regular basis. That she seemed to have surrendered to thinking her actions or prayers could change them and bring them to God. How she used to be surrounded by people constantly reminding her to read her bible and to submit to the means of grace, but now is surrounded by people with attitudes of "you believe that? Okay, whatever floats your boat." My thoughts on this? "when did my sister steal my life or vise versa?"
Today I helped Mrs. Hartman out in the library and she was running late to pick me up, so I had some time to think and pray. I started by listing off to God the people that I do not think were saved, and asked for God open their eyes and  believe. Then I listed off the people I think are Christian believers, and prayed that God would encourage them. But I also prayed, thinking about that spiritual battle, that us believers would realize that no one has disarmed us, but we have taken the armor off. That it's lying right there in front of us waiting for us to pick it back up. "But picking it back up means we have to fight." yep. I prayed this concept would be brought to the attention of the youth group.
Want to guess what that theme was Wednesday night? Ephesians 6 - putting on the full armor of God.

Dear Christians,
The enemy is tricking and deceiving. So much so, he can trick you into taking your armor off for an easy kill shot. I realize the armor is heavy. Shooting an arrow of love is sometimes harder than shooting back the arrow that's hit you. We may see the battle and it looks like we are loosing. Just remember, Christians, we have a God and a perfect promise that he will win the war. Just keep fighting, pray, mediate on God's word, and when the last thing you want to do is talk, "open yourself up,"
 "if I talk about myself, they'll think I'm and attention-seeker,"
"that's why they call it medical attention."
 "they can't help me,"
"maybe not, but then they might show you their scars, and you can pray to God for help together."

"I'm not good with words/I'll get an anxiety attack and cry,"
"I'm the youngest one, no one will listen to me."

"Jeremiah 1"

When the last thing you want to do is talk, SHOUT! Because we have a great God and people really should know that. And yes, at time, even long periods of time, the people around us discourage us, and we lay down our armor. But we have a God that is greater than anything anyone around says or does.
Phrase: Life is hard, but God is good.
Other passages/ thoughts I have been focusing on:
What are men compared to how great God is? Isn't God the one holding YOU together!?
God does not even forsake sparrows. How much more are you worth to Him?
Isaiah 39: oh look! Government hasn't changed!
Rachel, why are you thinking that/what do you think you're doing? That doesn't line up with God's instruction. That's not loving.
If you get struck on one cheek, turn the other. If you get hurt, open yourself up to the ability to get hurt more. It doesn't make sense, but that is what someone who loves does.
I could continue on, but I need to get to sleep.