Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Prayer for This Nation

Dear One and Only Heavenly Father,
I come, submitting myself to you in prayer for this divided nation, the authority that you have sovereignly given it, and the effects this nation has and will have on your world. As I do so, may I keep my focus solely on you, Oh God. May I truthfully plea for your sovereign will be done as you have revealed to us through your Word.
I pray the divided people of this nation. Oh, how divided the United States are! Oh, how we need you desperately. This country has turned its back to you. May we the people turn back to you, Oh God! We harbor hatred for each other and justify it, but you are the only good judge. May this nation be a nation that repents and runs to you rather than from you. And, Oh! How you can forgive us so! But, not so if we the people do not repent and turn from our ways.
I pray for the rioters and those that harbor hatred towards an imperfect authority. May they be physically safe as they insist their own way. Yet, far more important than that, may we see your perfection and realize how foolish and selfish we are. Oh, how our arguments and excuses falter before a just and true God! May we the people guide the imperfect authority that you have perfectly set it place. For who can know the Father’s will? With love and care, may we do our part to help authority walk in your way rather than rebel against. For, isn’t rebellion what we did to you? Yet, how easy it should be to serve you since you are perfect! How imperfect we are to think we are better than another imperfect man. Grant humility and peace in you to us as a nation.
I pray for the police department and those tasked with keeping the peace. May you keep them safe and grant them wisdom to do what is right and pleasing in your eyes. May justice be dealt with Godly wisdom and loving mercy.
I pray for the new authority of this country. Guide them in your way, Oh just and true King. Should such authority figures use the authority you have granted them for their own selfish means, may we remember that though man means it for evil, you mean it for good! How awesome are your works and great are your deeds!
I pray for all other nations and the effect that our nation has on theirs. Father God, I ask that rather than be a fear, or disheartening upon the world, that we would demonstrate the fragrance of your love and grace through how we deal with international situations and how we do business. May you implore business men to be merciful and gracious in their dealings rather than selfish and fearful of financial loss or risk. May we put our trust in you who clothes the lilies and feed the birds. May we be a country that does not withhold mercy and grace towards nations because we fear personal loss. May we extent such mercy and grace to other nations because we are secure through our trust and faith in you, Oh Lord! Yet, I know that before this may happen, we must be a nation that repents and runs to your forgiveness.
Lastly, I pray for your people, the saints, in this dark nation. And, how dark this nation is! How desperately we must be lights. May we cling to you in our darkest hour tightly so that we may not fall into the ways of this sinful world. Do not let us go! Remember your people in this country. May we not fall to the temptation of political hatred, for hatred is still hatred no matter what side we’re on. May we not forsake the command of the church to preach your gospel into all the world. And, this nation is certainly part of that world. May we be the ones to show this nation how to accomplish peace. How to repent. May we be patient when we attempt to love others, for we are naturally, sinfully impatient creatures. May we not be afraid. Make us bold when we preach your Word. Make us preach your Word! May your mercy and grace overwhelm us – your forgiveness humiliate us. May we desire to praise your name forever. Oh, how we yearn for this time to be over, yet everything is accomplished in your perfect timing. We yearn for peace and rest. You give it! Just as we have repented and you granted your forgiveness, may we go out and tell others that you offer such eternal forgiveness for those who repent and trust their lives to you!
This sinful world that you love tires us. Give us strength to love as you do.
And above all, I plea,
Come, Lord Jesus!
                                                    In the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Risen Savior,
