Friday, March 15, 2019

Anti-Abortion Fictional Short Story

Christina King woke up late to the sound of her neighbor mowing his lawn. She glanced over at the clock which read, 10:57 am. It was Saturday, and dread filled her soul. She has a doctor’s appointment at noon, but not one she was looking forward to. Christina suddenly had the urge to hurl.
            She scrambled to get out of bed so that she wouldn’t have to clean her bed sheets and just barely make it to the toilet. As she emptied her stomach, she held her own hair back. Christina collapsed on the floor when she was done, and she breathed in between sobs. She mustered as much courage as she could to get herself up.
            Demetri had left for work early in the morning for his shift at McDonalds. As Christina grabbed a box of Toasted Holes and milk, she remembered the conversation she and Demetri had the other night.
            “We can’t have a baby, Chrissy!” he yelled, “We can’t afford it!”
            “What am I supposed to do, then? Huh!?” she replied.
            After several minutes of arguing, it was decided that it would be most efficient to abort the child – a decision Christina didn’t approve of.
            Christina looked down at her bowl of cereal and found it was too bitter. She grabbed for some sugar and dumped some in. She looked at the clock. She had forty minutes to get to the clinic and it took five minutes to get there. Christina didn’t know what to do for the amount of extra time.
            So, she just sat there. Staring at her cereal.
            “I’m sorry,” she whispered to her unborn child as the clock approached 11:55am. “I love you. I don’t want to do this, but I must.” Christina got up, dumped the remainder of her cereal, and walked out the door.
            Her car was in the parking lot. She had two minutes before her appointment, but she couldn’t get herself to go inside. Christina quickly prayed, “If You don’t want me to do this, then stop me.” She got out of the car.
            Or, at least she tried to. As she opened the door, it slammed into another woman.
            “I’m so sorry!” Christina exclaimed.
            “No, no, no,” the woman said, doubled over in pain, “You’re alright.” When the woman was able to straighten up, she introduced herself. “My name’s Rose, you?”
            “Christina.” She shook Rose’s hand. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
            “I’m fine. I’m fine,” she replied.
            “Are you here for an appointment?” Christina asked, gesturing to the Planned Parenthood clinic.
            “Oh, no,” Rose replied. “I’m here with a Pro-Life group called Created Equal. I actually came over here to talk with you.”
            “Oh,” Christina exclaimed in surprise. “Well,” she looked at her phone. It was two minutes past noon. “I’ve already missed my appointment. So, I guess you succeeded.”
            “Are you planning to reschedule?”
            “Well,” Christina hesitated. She didn’t want to lie, but she didn’t want Rose to eat up more of her time. “Yes, I do plan on rescheduling.”
            “Why are you getting an abortion?” she asked.
            Christina shook her head in disbelief. “Because my boyfriend and I can’t afford to support a child.”
            “Have you considered putting the child up for adoption?”
            Christina shook her head again. “It’s too complicated.”
            “We can help with that,” Rose stated. “We have resources. We can get you set up.”