Friday, December 4, 2020

With Supplication

 Phillipians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.

Lucy laid in bed, sick and miserable. She was starving, but there was no food around until the designated lunch time. She was thirsty, but felt too weak to get up and ask for water. 

Being too weak to do anything, she decided the only thing she could do was pray.

She carefully propped herself up in the bed, leaning against the corner of the bedroom. Lucy started by acknowledging before God her own weakness. She realized how little she knew about people that she didn't know what to pray for them. She could think of one prayer request. 

So, she prayed for one person. Because it was only one request, she ended up praying the same thing over and over again with praises and statements of Lucy's dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ between. This lasted about an hour before she heard the call for lunch. Suddenly, she had the strength to get up.

It was latter, after Lucy was no longer sick, that she remembered Phillipians 4:6. She heard about another request, and decided to try praying in the same way. 

"I must have made a big deal about... because I could really tell you guys were praying for me."

Before, I had always skipped over the word "supplication" in this verse because I, quite frankly, didn't know what it meant.

"Supplication: the act of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly." (google definition)

I have recently been watching The Waltons with my mom. It takes place during the Great Depression where people would barter by exchanging work for things instead of money. Having a discussion with my mom, she stated, "There is no pride in begging."

Yet, this is how we are supposed to come before God in prayer - by begging. We are to come before Him knowing that we have nothing - not even work - that we can offer God. We are beggars. 

And we are to ask him in humility because there is no pride in begging.

                                                    Is there anything I can pray for you?