Sunday, May 13, 2012

Relative Truth

There are people in this world that think that truth is relative. I disagree. When you say that truth is relative this is what you are saying:

What’s true for me is true for me and what’s true for you is true for you.

Okay. I have a question for you people. If what’s true for you is true for you and what’s true for me is true for me… well, what if my truth says that your truth is wrong? Is it still true?
God clearly says in the Bible that God is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). Truth is not relative. God is truth… so trust Him.  
If you have an argument, I'd love to hear it. Place something in the comments if you disagree... agree... ect.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

In Bible Class... Many Years Ago... Summer

This week, there have been many times that I’ve thought about posting something. One was song lyrics, but I decided against it. Then, B.H. talked about something in Bible class that reminded me of something.
B.H. made the point that when we sin, we think of it as a small sin. Then we think that if we go a little farther, then it doesn’t matter. We sin, and sin, and before we know it, we end up sinning at a “level” (I use that term loosely because all sin is equal – bad) that we never thought we would end up. It’s the “small” sins that grow to become the “bigger” sins.
He used the example of snow boarding. Once you start heading downhill, you can’t stop until you reach the bottom… or a pole.
I thought of a better example. When I was four… maybe… my grandma and grandpa lived in a condo that had a pool. During the summer, our family would visit our grandparents and go swimming in the pool.
My mom had told me not to go into the deep end because I couldn’t swim at the time; neither could I hold my breath under water. So, what do I do?
I start walking over to the deep end. I thought, If I can make it this far, I’m sure I could take one more step. Many steps later, my head was reaching to the sky, and my entire body was under water. For some stupid reason, I kept walking. I was on the tips of my toes. I stretched my foot out in front of me to see if I could touch the bottom before I moved, but I couldn’t. Unfortunately, since I only had one foot barely touching the bottom, I slipped, and my head plunged under the water.
The lifeguard blew her whistle, and had to come in to save me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

She walks in Beauty

Lord Byron (1788–1824)
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
I thought that I would put another poem up on here. This one wasn’t written by me, but a friend of mine asked is she could read it, so I told her that it would be easiest if I simply put it on my blog. So, here it is.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Will You take me as I am? (Song lyrics)

Before I get into the song, I need you to understand something. Your first instinct will be to think that he’s wrong, or I’m using to song to reflect my own life. I’m sharing this song because I think that the artist gives a good testimony. The reason I’m posting the lyrics but not the video that has music to it is because (not only do I not know how) I want you to be able to focus on the lyrics without shutting it out at the first sound of it. Please read through the whole thing before forming an opinion. If you really want to, feel free to look the song up on Youtube.
P.S. – any (parenthesis) is my add-on to explain what something means.

Artist: Lecrae

Christ through faith – I talked to someone the other day, and he was like, “Man, I really want to come to Christ, but I need to clean my life up first. I need to get my sins together.” I told him, “I used to think the same way, too. I thought I had to change myself before coming to Christ. Christ changed me. Let me tell you my story--- it starts like this:”

It’s 5:46 in the morning, tossing and turning
Chest burning
(Heart hurts because he’s being convicted by the Holy Spirit),
Sermons in my head keep reoccurring.
Having visions in my head of a kid
Crying at the feet of the Father,
For all the wrong things that he did.

Now I’m sweating in my sheets, can’t sleep.
My mind keeps telling me I’m six feet deep - Don’t remind me
Even though I’m still alive, I can’t tell.
The way I’m living my life,
I feel I’m going to Hell.

God, they tell me I should accept You ---
That You had to leave the world because the world left You.
The reason I can’t change, like a mystery to me
(Why can’t I change for good on my own? Why isn’t it working?).
So I make believe that there really is a heaven for a G
(I’m guessing that G stands for gangster, but it could just be indicating any sinner).

Even though they say You loved the world so much
You shed your blood,
God, I feel I’m too messed up for love!
They tell me come as I am, but I ___(put whatever reason you wish)___.
My whole life’s full of sin because it’s all I know.

The Bible told me that you died for my sins.
If I believe in Christ, it’ll save me from the end.
But I’m scared to ask you;
To save me –
My heart so evil.
I have thoughts full of hatred; hurting people.

I thought at first that I had to clean up my life.
Now, people are telling me that I just need to cling to the Light.
I’m ready to do it, but Lord, I pray You understand ---
My life is a mess – will You take me as I am?
Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
I’m sick and tired of trying to be the man
That my daddy never taught me to be.
I’m grown up now, and life is not what I thought it would be.
I made many mistakes in the past, and I can’t fix them.
Now, I’m staring at this crucifix tatted on my wrist
(A tattoo of the cross).

(Probably thinking this while looking at the tattoo)
Is it true what they tell me? Am I just crazy?
Did you bleed on the Cross for my sins to save me?
But why would you die for me?
My whole life I’ve been working for Satan
While he fed lies to me.

And now I’m hearing too much.
Trying to get a true touch
Of the love that can change me.
I’m all screwed up.
I figure hell is what I deserve,
But your word says we all fall short,
So I guess we all outta’ burn.

Teach me! I want to learn
How you could save a wretch like me,
Before death says, “It’s my turn.”
(Teach me how it is that You love me before I die)

I think I finally understand ---
No matter my past, You’ll still take me as I am!
Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
My father had a few last words to give:
I be telling people the reason to live
And the reason to die
It’s because they will be united with the King in the Sky.
(Sky – Heaven)
This life is passing us by; I have no reason to lie.

You’ll never give the world enough; they’ll hunger for more.
(If you're enslaved to the world, then it will always want more out of you)
They figure their ways are nothing to the wondrous Lord.
(The people living for the world think that if you live for yourself, then God doesn’t care)
More security than the man that left you;
More than the mom that kept you.
He’ll always accept you.

Be everything you’re supposed to.
Let Christ rule your heart, mind, body, and soul
Because he chose you.
If the world doesn’t know you, that doesn’t matter.
You’re God’s child, and he’ll never disown you!

Your purpose on earth is far from worthless.
That’s why you’re glorified like you’re life has been purchased.
And it doesn’t matter if the world don’t see us.
We still mean the world (everything) to Jesus.
(I’m skeptical on agreeing with this statement. Jesus didn’t need us. We need him… but I can kind of see what he’s saying)

Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
Yeah, we’re saved by grace through faith;
It’s not works.
There’s nothing that you can do; there’s nothing that I can do
That can get us this grace salvation that we have.
It’s only Christ.

So if you feel like you have to clean yourself up before you come to Him,
Forget it --- Just come to Him.
He’ll take you as you are, and He’ll change YOU
From the inside --- out.

Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV)
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; 
it is the gift of God,
not of works, lest anyone should boast.
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
–        Apostle Paul

There’s one more thing that I want to say – when you listen to ‘Christian’ music, be careful. It is true that a famous person can be Christian, but even Christians slip. Listen to the lyrics of your Christian music and make sure that it’s glorifying Christ. This goes for everyone --- including me.
P.S. - If you decide to look this song up on Youtube, I don't recommend the music video. Get a video with either a still picture, or lyrics on-screen. Thank you.