Saturday, May 12, 2012

In Bible Class... Many Years Ago... Summer

This week, there have been many times that I’ve thought about posting something. One was song lyrics, but I decided against it. Then, B.H. talked about something in Bible class that reminded me of something.
B.H. made the point that when we sin, we think of it as a small sin. Then we think that if we go a little farther, then it doesn’t matter. We sin, and sin, and before we know it, we end up sinning at a “level” (I use that term loosely because all sin is equal – bad) that we never thought we would end up. It’s the “small” sins that grow to become the “bigger” sins.
He used the example of snow boarding. Once you start heading downhill, you can’t stop until you reach the bottom… or a pole.
I thought of a better example. When I was four… maybe… my grandma and grandpa lived in a condo that had a pool. During the summer, our family would visit our grandparents and go swimming in the pool.
My mom had told me not to go into the deep end because I couldn’t swim at the time; neither could I hold my breath under water. So, what do I do?
I start walking over to the deep end. I thought, If I can make it this far, I’m sure I could take one more step. Many steps later, my head was reaching to the sky, and my entire body was under water. For some stupid reason, I kept walking. I was on the tips of my toes. I stretched my foot out in front of me to see if I could touch the bottom before I moved, but I couldn’t. Unfortunately, since I only had one foot barely touching the bottom, I slipped, and my head plunged under the water.
The lifeguard blew her whistle, and had to come in to save me.

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