Thursday, April 4, 2013


A little while back, I went to Northside for an entire school day for the first time since 5th grade. What I noticed, was that no one liked learning. It was a short day, so I only observed math and science, but the overall attitude towards learning was negative. Like it was a nuisance instead of a privilege.
            Learning? A privilege? Well, yeah…

Proverbs 1:5
5. Let the wise hear and increase in learning,
    and the one who understands obtain guidance,

If we do not first learn about God, then how can we know him? I say first, because learning is not the end of it. When you were told the gospel, did you not first learn that Jesus died for you? Of course, a person can learn something and not have wisdom (2 Timothy 3:7-9).

Hosea 4:6a
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
    because you have rejected knowledge,
    I reject you from being a priest to me.

In other words, if we lack or reject knowledge, how can we be used by God?

            What does school have to do with this? At school we learn about how God’s creation works (math and science; which is important since we are part of his creation). We learn how to communicate God’s word (English, or any other language). We also learn what God has been doing in the past so that we can have wisdom towards our future (History). If you dislike learning, or grudgingly do it, then you’re missing out. Schoolwork can be a blessing!

This year I've been taking Modern History. I just learned about the end of the Cold War. During the Cold War,North Korea built the Berlin Wall. I find it completely amazing at how the Berlin Wall was torn down. There was no army and the protest groups only contributed. My History book says, “On both sides of the Iron Curtain, people waited, anxiously wondering whether communist authorities would lash back and try to reassert power (from the rebels). What followed was a misunderstanding that triggered one of the most significant events of the twentieth century.”
At a press conference, it was announced that there would be new relaxed travel limits. The speech said, “Permanent exit can take place via all border crossings.” Therefore, people were thinking that the Berlin wall was opening. Thousands of people stormed the wall with the hopes of the gates opening. Confused border guards opened the gates even though they weren't supposed to, but they didn't know what to do.

            Do you see the hand of God in that?

God can also be seen in learning science and math. By learning about what God created, we learn more about the God who created it. For example, if you wrote a song (or something else) then that song is your creation. The song tells others about you when they listen to it. If it about liking ice cream, then it shows that you probably like ice cream.
In a similar way, I believe, what God has created reflects back to God. Therefore, since physics is the learning of physical activity, which God gave us the ability to do, we are in turn learning about how to use what God has given us.
If I am making no sense, I am sorry.
For example, God can be seen in learning English. Or any language for that matter. If we are incapable of communicating, how can we teach others so that they might learn as well?
Now, I am mostly talking to students here and I’m kind of assuming that if you are reading this than you are a Christian believer, even though that assumption might not be true. Bottom line of all this, Proverbs 9:9-10. Learn, but when you are learning, use wisdom and insight, and in turn, use your knowledge to glorify God for what he has given you.

Proverbs 9: 9-10
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
    teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
    and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

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