Thursday, April 26, 2012


River of Time

You’re walking along and come to a garden.
It is gorgeous, but you find a river.
It flows of milky white pearl that would not harden.
You gaze into the water and begin to shiver
Because the river shows pictures of frightful things.

You see things you’ve never dreamed of,
Things of the past
And some things to come.
Suddenly, the river pulls you.
It sucks you head-first.

As you draw closer,
You see a crowd.
Things begin to spin as if on a roller coaster.
It stops.
Suddenly, you scream out loud.
But no one hears.

Though people surround you,
Though you are amongst a multitude,
Nothing happens to you.

What would you do?
If you could feel, but not be felt?
What would you do if you could hear, but not be heard?
What if you could see, but not be seen?
What would you do?

In this crowd, you hear words shouted,
“Crucify him! Crucify him!”
You look up and see a man quite slim.
You realize –
This is Jesus.

What would you do?
If you could be felt, could be heard, could be seen?
Would you join the shouts and cries?
Or would you ask for his innocent blood not to be shed?

The wind changes.
You are swept a few moments away.
There you stand at the foot of the cross
On this which Jesus takes away our sin.
Our sin –
Every wrong that we had done against Him –
Paid for on that cross as he died.

What would you do?
What would you do as Jesus cries,
‘Father! Forgive them! For they know not what they do’?
What would you do?

The wind changes.
You are now three days afterward.
Jesus has risen from the dead.
You proceed forward
Towards the empty grave.

Someone taps you on the shoulder.
You turn around.
Standing there, smiling,
Is Jesus Christ stretching out his pierced hands.
You run into his arms.

Now, without realizing,
You’re back in the garden.
The wind blows, and the river flows.

Now, after this experience,
The real question is not
What would you do, but
How do you change?

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