Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short story

There once were two boys. One was named Steven and the other was named Chuck. Steven lived in a wealthy family. Chuck, on the other hand, lived on the streets making a living by stealing.
It was wintertime, and Steven walked out of the house to play in the snow. Chuck saw Steven around the corner of a building and noticed Steven’s elegant clothes and knew that he was rich.
Chick grabbed some snow that consisted of an ice piece in the middle, then snow, then mud with sticks. Chuck through the snowball.
Bam! The snowball hit Steven in the forehead. Knocked unconscious, a trickle of blood from Steven’s forehead bled onto the white snow. Chuck ran in and took $500 from Steven’s coat pocket and ran away.
After three hours, Steven woke up. He went back to the house and got fixed up.
The next day, Steven went on a walk and saw Chuck eating a hot dog on the sidewalk. Steven walked up to Chuck. Once Chuck saw him, he turned to run, but then realized that a cop was right on that street giving a ticket to a speeding driver. If he ran, the cop would notice, but if he stayed, and got punched, then the cop would be on his side.
Chuck stayed. Steven stopped right in front of him. Without a word, he gave Chuck his gloves. Steven knelt down and formed a white snowball and handed it to Chuck.
“Why don’t you come with me and make a snowman at my house?” Steven asked and then walked away.
Steven felt something cold run down his back. Turning around, he watched as Chuck walked the other direction.

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