Sunday, September 2, 2012

Teen service 1

This entire week, I tried to write about the teen service that we had last Sunday. It’s just that I’ve been so busy, that I didn’t have time. So, here I am a week later, finally writing it.
To start off with, the teen service wasn’t perfect by any means. There were a few times that we messed up, but each and ever time, we would forget that it happened and just keep going. We were able to do this because the teen service wasn’t about how our performance was, it was about God. In everything that every person on that stage did, they did to the glory to God.
Before we even began the service, we practiced. We didn’t practice Justin’s preaching or the other testimonies (except for at home). We practiced going up and down the stage, and singing some of the songs.
Then, it started. I was first playing the prelude, Bow the Knee on the flute. With a few places where I ran out of breathe, I made it through without stopping completely. After that, Pastor Sype introduced the teen service and then Prego (his nickname given by the Yorty family) explained the teen service.
I’m assuming that a lot of the people in the congregation thought that it would practically be a talent show. Our youth leader, Hunter, did his best not to make it that, and I dare say that it most certainly was not a talent show.
Prego then prayed and took his seat. We sang songs, had scripture readings, and testimonies.
Bethany was first. She told of when she had just started working at Tim Horton’s. Just starting work and not knowing where anything was or how to do it was a lot of her. On top of that, Bethany had been told that the Carpenters had left Calvary and that she would be playing the organ for the prelude on Sundays. In there somewhere, she had to find time to do her schoolwork. Bethany was so overwhelmed, and thought that she couldn’t do it all by herself. But wasn’t that the point? We can’t do anything without God. Without him, it is too much. But thank God that he doesn’t ask us to do it without him. If we just rely on God, he will help us.
(This last Thursday, I had just found out that we had to read a chapter in our book, The God who is There, and memorize Genesis 1:1-2 by the next day. So, I did my schoolwork as fast as I could. That night, we had an away volleyball game and we would get home very late, so I had a limited time to get my schoolwork time and read the entire chapter. We were supposed to have been reading it throughout the week, but I didn’t know that. With the chapter, we had a work sheet that we were supposed to fill out. Bethany was picking Miranda and me up for volleyball at 3:15p.m.
At 2:30, I was able to start reading the chapter. Looking at how long it was, I realized that there was no way that I was finishing the chapter and the worksheet and memorize the easy verses before it was time to go to volleyball. I started to think more about how I was going to get it all in than about what I was reading. I realized that somehow God would take care of it. That’s when I heard the phone ring and Bethany’s voice say, “Turns out the volleyball team is actually leaving at 4:30. I’ll be picking you up at 4:15.”
YES! THANK YOU! I thought. I was able to get all of it done before going to volleyball.)
Miranda was next. She pretty much told everyone in the auditorium a testimony that I hadn’t even known some of it. She said that she used to do workout videos, and she would feel good afterwards. Then, she began to eat less and do workout videos more. Before long, she was hardly eating anything and working out about two hours a day. Miranda said that she doesn’t think she was depressed, it’s just that it made her feel in control of her life. When the issue of being under weight occurred, she knew that she needed to eat more, but by this time, she didn’t want too. Miranda would feel guilty every time she would eat something. After talking to Hunter and Nikki for spiritual guidance, she realized that she didn’t have to feel guilty about eating, and that she could take joy in serving God by having… say… a cheeseburger. In conclusion, just take joy in serving God in ever aspect of life.
Then, there was John. In Korea, John said, everything is fast, especially technology. Businesses are growing everyday and students pressured to get a good grade on a single test that determines the rest of your life; whether you will be successful or not. That, John said, is why Korea is the number one country to commit suicide. He talked about his family and why it is so hard for them to be Christians there. In the end, he got everyone in tears.
After a song, Jesus, Thank You, Justin went up to preach. “After John’s testimony, I don’t know if I can come close to it but…” Justin took a verse that is familiar to most Christians, Proverbs 3:5-6, and explained deeply on the meaning of the verses. He said that we need to trust God with all our hearts meaning that we don’t trust him with just the parts that we want to trust him with. Even when we feel like our lives are doing awesome, we still need to lean on his Word and his understanding.
In all, the service was really used by God. If you weren’t there this Sunday, you really should come when/if, most likely when, we do it again. The night after the service, face book just blew up with all the comments on the teen service (and again, sorry this is late). The audio for the teen service will be available, somewhere, somehow (I know… I’m so helpful!)

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