Saturday, February 21, 2015

God Bless the Cold

It is snowing outside as all of you can probably see. Snow is cold, annoying, and quite inconvenient. With that being said, look at your window and realize that God created each of those snowflakes –created the atoms and H2O molecule, and decided that he wanted that H2O to be able to freeze, but in a way that creates crystalized structures that fall the same way as rain – all different. Every grain of sand on the beach is different. Every plant, every animal, every person is different from another.
                I didn’t go to work today because of the weather. I’m totally cool with that. I needed time to chill, and work on my literature paper (don’t get me started on that…), bake breakfast for tomorrow (your welcome, youth group), go over children’s church lesson again (yes, you read that right), and to just spend some quality time with God. And write on my blog, of course.
                To be honest, today is quite a beautiful day… you know, for it being winter and all. The snow may be a hassle, but it really isn’t that cold out and doesn’t have much if any wind chill. I’m still not going outside, but for those that have children; this is the perfect day for building a snowman or fort. Just looking out my window here, it’s beautiful to see the plush snow on the ground, snowflakes flying around like a snow globe, and seeing that bright color of a red cardinal in contrast. It’s a painter’s dream!
                The children’s church lesson that I’m (hopefully) teaching (if church isn’t canceled by snow) is called The Prairie Clock. It’s about obedience and how we are to obey God because we love God and “We love God because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) I remember my mother teaching this story in Sunday school years ago, and now I’ve volunteered to teach it this Sunday in Children’s Church.  I’ve no idea why I volunteered, but I’m praying that it goes well and that the kids learn from it.
                Nonetheless, I hear birds outside. Don’t they know how cold it is? What happened to migration? Anyway, enjoy your Saturday, stay warm, and love God.

Pretend you are at the Beach.. just close your eyes and let your sense experience everything.. remember to breathe.

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