Wednesday, October 3, 2012

God is good.

God is good. Most people reading this have heard this phrase many times through their Christian School, Christian Church, Christian families, and Christian lives. But, do you really believe it? Let me put it this way using a fictional example (I know, shocking, right? Me - using a fictional example.)
Ally just got home from school. She had had a rough day with a big pile of homework left to do that night. Closing the door, she starts to complain about how much homework she has. Then, she sees her parents standing there very seriously. They sit down and tell her that her aunt had just died that day. Ally was devastated. Her aunt had been in and out of hospitals for years for heart problems. Every time she came out just fine, so Ally never gave a thought to it. Suddenly, her aunt was dead because her heart had failed completely.
She ran up to her room and cried. How could He? How could God just take her aunt like that? How could God be good?
Ally is looking at things short term and self-centered. I remember last year B.H. was my Bible teacher. He asked a question that really had me stumped. It was: “Say I come up to you and ask, ‘How can God be good?’” Classmates started spinning out answers, but our Bible teacher was always able to defend it with something. The problem was that every time he questioned our answers he would reply with “I” or “you” or “my aunt.” All of this dealt self-centered or “horizontal” (looking through people standers) as Hunter would say instead of vertical (God and his glory).
Finally, someone said, “Well, it’s not about you. It’s all about God.”
That was the correct answer. We are nothing. Only by God’s grace are we saved through faith. God has every right to dame us from his presence forever, but instead he gave us the chance to have a relationship with him by taking our sin, which was what was separating us from him, on the cross.
Until you realize that God being fair means that he has to punish sin and that you don’t deserve anything created by him (which is everything we see) and a relationship with him, then you will never get the concept of God being good. Everything, including the death of a loved one, is for his glory. Somehow, whether we see it or not, it is in his perfect plan.
Remember when Adam and Eve first sinned by eating the fruit that they were told not to eat? God knew that they were going to sin because he is Sovereign. It wasn’t a mistake. God is able and chooses to use sinful people to work out his will.
There was a small example that I remember that my mom did when I was little. She asked Justin to come up. She handed him a quarter and said, “That quarter is yours. You can do what you want with it. Now, can I have it back?”
“No,” Justin said.
So, Justin got to keep the quarter, but if he had given it back, my mom was planning to give him two quarters back. When we give our entire life to God, we will always get more than we deserve back in return. But, say you are a “really good Christian.” You obey your parents, do you devotions, and have a good relationship with God. Suddenly, a loved one dies; your parents lose money and can’t afford much of anything.
This seems like God is taking everything away from you and you don’t get anything back. Here, you are looking horizontal. If you look vertical, you’ll see that when you die, none of that will matter. If you truly believe that God is good, you also know that he has given you spiritual riches beyond compare and a relationship that God keeps perfectly. You have more rich than you can imagine! Use them!

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short story

There once were two boys. One was named Steven and the other was named Chuck. Steven lived in a wealthy family. Chuck, on the other hand, lived on the streets making a living by stealing.
It was wintertime, and Steven walked out of the house to play in the snow. Chuck saw Steven around the corner of a building and noticed Steven’s elegant clothes and knew that he was rich.
Chick grabbed some snow that consisted of an ice piece in the middle, then snow, then mud with sticks. Chuck through the snowball.
Bam! The snowball hit Steven in the forehead. Knocked unconscious, a trickle of blood from Steven’s forehead bled onto the white snow. Chuck ran in and took $500 from Steven’s coat pocket and ran away.
After three hours, Steven woke up. He went back to the house and got fixed up.
The next day, Steven went on a walk and saw Chuck eating a hot dog on the sidewalk. Steven walked up to Chuck. Once Chuck saw him, he turned to run, but then realized that a cop was right on that street giving a ticket to a speeding driver. If he ran, the cop would notice, but if he stayed, and got punched, then the cop would be on his side.
Chuck stayed. Steven stopped right in front of him. Without a word, he gave Chuck his gloves. Steven knelt down and formed a white snowball and handed it to Chuck.
“Why don’t you come with me and make a snowman at my house?” Steven asked and then walked away.
Steven felt something cold run down his back. Turning around, he watched as Chuck walked the other direction.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Teen service 1

This entire week, I tried to write about the teen service that we had last Sunday. It’s just that I’ve been so busy, that I didn’t have time. So, here I am a week later, finally writing it.
To start off with, the teen service wasn’t perfect by any means. There were a few times that we messed up, but each and ever time, we would forget that it happened and just keep going. We were able to do this because the teen service wasn’t about how our performance was, it was about God. In everything that every person on that stage did, they did to the glory to God.
Before we even began the service, we practiced. We didn’t practice Justin’s preaching or the other testimonies (except for at home). We practiced going up and down the stage, and singing some of the songs.
Then, it started. I was first playing the prelude, Bow the Knee on the flute. With a few places where I ran out of breathe, I made it through without stopping completely. After that, Pastor Sype introduced the teen service and then Prego (his nickname given by the Yorty family) explained the teen service.
I’m assuming that a lot of the people in the congregation thought that it would practically be a talent show. Our youth leader, Hunter, did his best not to make it that, and I dare say that it most certainly was not a talent show.
Prego then prayed and took his seat. We sang songs, had scripture readings, and testimonies.
Bethany was first. She told of when she had just started working at Tim Horton’s. Just starting work and not knowing where anything was or how to do it was a lot of her. On top of that, Bethany had been told that the Carpenters had left Calvary and that she would be playing the organ for the prelude on Sundays. In there somewhere, she had to find time to do her schoolwork. Bethany was so overwhelmed, and thought that she couldn’t do it all by herself. But wasn’t that the point? We can’t do anything without God. Without him, it is too much. But thank God that he doesn’t ask us to do it without him. If we just rely on God, he will help us.
(This last Thursday, I had just found out that we had to read a chapter in our book, The God who is There, and memorize Genesis 1:1-2 by the next day. So, I did my schoolwork as fast as I could. That night, we had an away volleyball game and we would get home very late, so I had a limited time to get my schoolwork time and read the entire chapter. We were supposed to have been reading it throughout the week, but I didn’t know that. With the chapter, we had a work sheet that we were supposed to fill out. Bethany was picking Miranda and me up for volleyball at 3:15p.m.
At 2:30, I was able to start reading the chapter. Looking at how long it was, I realized that there was no way that I was finishing the chapter and the worksheet and memorize the easy verses before it was time to go to volleyball. I started to think more about how I was going to get it all in than about what I was reading. I realized that somehow God would take care of it. That’s when I heard the phone ring and Bethany’s voice say, “Turns out the volleyball team is actually leaving at 4:30. I’ll be picking you up at 4:15.”
YES! THANK YOU! I thought. I was able to get all of it done before going to volleyball.)
Miranda was next. She pretty much told everyone in the auditorium a testimony that I hadn’t even known some of it. She said that she used to do workout videos, and she would feel good afterwards. Then, she began to eat less and do workout videos more. Before long, she was hardly eating anything and working out about two hours a day. Miranda said that she doesn’t think she was depressed, it’s just that it made her feel in control of her life. When the issue of being under weight occurred, she knew that she needed to eat more, but by this time, she didn’t want too. Miranda would feel guilty every time she would eat something. After talking to Hunter and Nikki for spiritual guidance, she realized that she didn’t have to feel guilty about eating, and that she could take joy in serving God by having… say… a cheeseburger. In conclusion, just take joy in serving God in ever aspect of life.
Then, there was John. In Korea, John said, everything is fast, especially technology. Businesses are growing everyday and students pressured to get a good grade on a single test that determines the rest of your life; whether you will be successful or not. That, John said, is why Korea is the number one country to commit suicide. He talked about his family and why it is so hard for them to be Christians there. In the end, he got everyone in tears.
After a song, Jesus, Thank You, Justin went up to preach. “After John’s testimony, I don’t know if I can come close to it but…” Justin took a verse that is familiar to most Christians, Proverbs 3:5-6, and explained deeply on the meaning of the verses. He said that we need to trust God with all our hearts meaning that we don’t trust him with just the parts that we want to trust him with. Even when we feel like our lives are doing awesome, we still need to lean on his Word and his understanding.
In all, the service was really used by God. If you weren’t there this Sunday, you really should come when/if, most likely when, we do it again. The night after the service, face book just blew up with all the comments on the teen service (and again, sorry this is late). The audio for the teen service will be available, somewhere, somehow (I know… I’m so helpful!)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Camp Peniel Teen 1 Week

Night fell upon Camp Peniel that Friday evening. Cabin #1 lined up right outside of the cabins. “Do you have the song you’re going to sing?” Ms. Wolf asked our counselor, Miss Banks. Miss Banks replied with the song, Bow the Knee. I smiled. My favorite hymn was This is my Father’s World, and my second favorite was Bow the Knee.
We began to walk down the gravel path that was filled with pointy rocks that would stick up into the foam of our flip-flops. As we walked, we sang the song. Some of the campers didn’t know the song, so I tried singing loud to make up for them. We sang:

¯What a privilege to come into God’s presence-
Just to linger with the one who set me free-
As I lift my eyes and see his awesome glory-
I remember who he is and bow the knee. ¯

Chorus: ¯Bow the knee!              Bow the knee!
Bow the knee!            Bow the knee!
He is King of all the ages – Bow the knee!
God alone-           On His throne-
God alone-           On His throne-
Sing it high and lift it up and bow the knee!
Kneel before him-
All adore him-
As you live to love him more,
And bow the knee. ¯

¯In his hands he holds the power of Creation-
With his voice he spoke and all things came to be-
Yet he hears each simple prayer I bring before him-
When I humbly seek his face and bow the knee. ¯

Our cabin reached the fire pit. A warm glow emitted from the bonfire. Cracking wood shot sparks that looked like fireflies into the night sky. We took our seats on the hard, wooden logs.
After a few minutes once we had gotten settled, I heard another cabin come through the cleared out, grassy pathway. They sang, Seek ye First.

¯Seek ye first the kingdom of God-
And his righteousness-
And all these things shall be added onto you-
Hallelu- Hallelujah. ¯

Chorus: ¯Hallelujah- Hallelu- Hallelujah!
Hallelujah- Hallelu- Hallelujah. ¯

I heard some other songs as well as campers in different cabins entered the clearing. From where I was sitting, I could see the sky. God had filled the sky with flashes of lightning, yet it did not rain, putting our fire out. As it did this, a lyric came to my head –
¯The heavens declare the glory of God! ¯
Once everyone was seated, we sang songs, and many people gave testimonies. One camper had gotten saved that week. Others had grown more in Christ our Savior.
The wood popped, and fell over. It didn’t take long before the bonfire became so small that it looked like a one person’s camp fire. My eyes felt tired as I watched the flames flicker. I was entertained with the orange fireworks that came from the camp fire, danced to the sky, and disappeared in the middle of the air.
Behind me, I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw that M.S. had stood up to give her testimony of that week. Once she had sat down, the very next person was B.R.
Before, I had thought about telling my testimony, but once I had gotten there, I couldn’t remember what I was going to say. Now, I remembered. I was about to raise my hand, when someone else did… then someone else… and someone else. They were all good testimonies, and so I waited for them to be done.
“Okay, we’ll sing one final song and be done,” The instructor said. Well, I guess everyone couldn’t say something.
We sang the song, and got up to leave. I used my flashlight to go back, but Miss Banks came up next to me with her flashlight, which was so bright that it made mine pointless. I turned my flashlight off, and continued walking.
Down the gravel path again. I looked up and saw that the sky continued to flash with lightning. Crickets chirped in the bushes. The lake was so still that it looked like smooth, black, glass. The moonlight reflected off of the lake, and a small cool breeze blew throughout the camp.
It was the perfect ending to a wonderful week.
I love Camp Peniel. The people there are always great, and it seems like no matter who is speaking, they really show God not just in their preaching but in their life as well. Pastor Brent was the speaker that week. He took hard pieces of scripture and explained it so well that I doubt anyone at that camp did not understand it.
I was in Cabin #1 (Red Team), and my counselors were Miss Banks, as you read in the short storyline, and Miss Becca. Both of them were probably the best counselors I ever had.
As always, the food was amazing, and the staff appeared to work hard to make the week go smoothly. At the end, Blue Team won, but that doesn’t matter when the whole week was fun and enjoyable.
The week was awesome, but right now, I am happy to be at home with air-conditioning and a bug-free (mostly) house.
                                                                                                      J The End J

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Better written (Let Freedom Ring)

Again today, I was reading through the blogs that I follow, and it seems like God’s Promises are Real had the same idea as me when I wrote Let Freedom Ring. I think she wrote it better though, so I think I’ll attach it:
 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD  (Psalm 33:12a)

I want to say a few words today as we celebrate in America the birth of our nation.  We have been a people who have been blessed by our God and he has shed his grace upon us.  I am  fortunate to live in a nation that was founded by men and women of extreme courage and dedication.  I am grateful for all those who are in service to America and who risk their lives  so that we may live and worship in freedom .  We can never truly thank them enough.  I pray God’s blessings and favor upon them all.
With all that said, as we watch as darkness and evil fill this earth, the question still  remains ”Are you truly set free?“.   The bondage of sin can cause havoc and destruction in your life no matter where you live and how much money and power you  have.  Each day I watch with sadness as people choose to live their life in the chains of the enemy who has blinded them to the fact that they are perishing as they walk the path of death. They are not free.  They are deceived! Without Christ, there is no freedom for your life.  You can have all you think is good but you will never be truly happy because your hope to be victorious in this world comes only in being surrendered to Christ!  He is the one who sets the prisoners free so that we no longer have to be held captive in the trap of sin.  Christ is our power over the darkness and our hope when we come to the end of ourselves and have nowhere else to turn.  There is always a way for God to help you.  You can never fall too far that his grace cannot lift you.
What does it serve you to live in a worldly freedom when you come to the end of your life?  It is only when your life is in Christ that you can have peace no matter what you face.  He has conquered all of your enemies and death no longer has any power over you.   Money, fame and even earthly freedom can never give you that!
I want to include a few quotes from our Founding Fathers that show the heart of those who once led this country with truth.  Read them over and ponder how far we have come from this once ideal.
And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?  That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”  Thomas Jefferson, Signer and Principal Author of the Declaration of Independence; Third President of the United States.
Is it not that in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? – that it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation?  Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?”   John Quincy Adams: Statesman; Diplomat; Sixth President of the United States.
“One of the beautiful boast of our municipal jurisprudence is that Christianity is part of the Common Law…there never has been a period in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as lying at its foundations… I verily believe Christianity necessary to the support of civil society.” Joseph Story: U.S. Supreme Court Justice; “Father of American Jurisprudence,” Placed on the Court by President james Madison.
” We are a Christian people…not because the law demands it, not to gain exclusive benefits or to avoid legal disabilities, but from choice and education; and in a land thus universally Christian, what is to be expected, what desired, but that we shall pay due regard to Christianity?” Senate Judiciary Committee Report, January 19, 1853
Who is fighting for those ideals now?  Too many people are being deceived by the enemy. My friends, our freedom has been bought at a price of the blood of Jesus Christ.  All that we have and the future with hope that we aspire to has been given to us by Him.  You can make a choice today to have real freedom that releases you from the bonds of every pain, addiction and trouble that the earth sends your way.  This world is passing away.  Only those things that stand the test of fire shall live on.  Only that which we surrender to Christ can we keep.  Be blessed this day.  You no longer have to be sold out to the enemy and live as a puppet of his schemes.  You have a choice.  Choose to live in the freedom of Christ.  No one can take you from his hands or rob you of the destiny he planned for you.  That is a freedom you can celebrate!
Dear Father,  I lift up to you those who are struggling to be free.  I pray for those who are suffering in trials of every kind and who need to know that you can meet them in any situation and that you have the power to take them to victory no matter how impossible their situation seems.  Give them your peace this day, dear Jesus.  Let them understand that you love is enough and that you will never fail them.
I pray also for those are in restricted nations where to be a Christian is a death sentence.  I pray for you to touch those who are persecuted, tortured and imprisoned for their faith.  I pray that you will reach them with a joy that surpasses their understanding.  May they know that you are with them to the end. 
Lord Jesus, show those who come to this site what real freedom in you can mean.  Amen

Let Freedom Ring

Happy 4th of July, everyone! I hope you enjoy cookouts, parades, and the fireworks tonight. Today is the day that we celebrate our independence. Our freedom. Freedom from what? For what? We have freedom to serve God without worrying about persecution. That’s a gift from God that we seem not to think about most days.
America was founded because a group of people wished to serve God freely. Now that we have that freedom, how many of us use it? To me, the Fourth of July is a reminder that we are only free under the rule of God. Most people think that the word free has to do with breaking away from something, which it does. It also has to do with being free to do something.
If we are Christians, we are free from the bondage of sin, and free to worship God and obey Him. In America, we gained the freedom to worship God and obey Him openly without being persecuted. Being a Christian already makes you free. Free from sin.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is this. We all know what we are free from. We’re free from the rule from England. That’s in our history books. That’s obvious. But what are you free to do? Are you free from sin? Are you free to serve God?
This Fourth of July, I challenge you to think about what you are free to do. Find out what the words free and freedom mean to you.

Definition of Free: having no obligations or commitments

As said before, we are free to worship God. Isn’t that an obligation? Absolutely not! We have a choice of whether or not to worship Him. We should want to worship Him, though. I find it sad that some people think that it is an obligation.
I’m probably not the right person to be talking about this. I’m kind of confusing myself as I write. But it makes you think, doesn’t it? On Independence Day, we throw around the word free without thinking about what we are free from and free to do.

…One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

So, let’s remember who this country was founded on and for.

God bless the U.S.A! :D

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Surrendering your Life to God

I was looking at some of the blog sites that I follow today. I came to the blog FAITH THAT STANDS THE TEST and read this story. It was very moving. What happened to the author of the blog… it’s just an amazing testimony. Here’s the blog entry:
God has given me a love for all those who visits this site. I believe that He has a purpose for bringing all of you to the messages that he gives me to write.  It is for this reason that I take seriously my burden to pray for each of you.
A few weeks ago, a young man visited my site and then emailed me with a question. He seemed troubled and yet I could see that he had faith.  I want you to read what he wrote:
“I was on the internet one night and I came across you.  I really liked it.  My name is Christopher.  You see, I don’t understand life. God says He loves us, but yet, he took away the people I love.  I only just started going to church.  I enjoy it but life is still tough for me.  My heart belongs to God.  I know that, but it is so hard to walk away from my friends.  I want to serve and give my whole life to Him, but I am going to lose my family and friends. Advise please.”
I responded to Chris and explained about the surrendered life to Christ. When you are a believer, Christ is first in your life and you must be willing to give him all that you have and allow him to work in you.  I explained a lot of things to him and told him to keep praying for his family and friends but that he must move ahead with his new life in Christ.
I did not hear from him that month, but last week, I received an email from his sister.  She told me that her family had no idea that her little brother was going through this.  She went on to tell me that Chris was no longer with us.  When I asked her what happened, she told me an amazing story.  She said that her brother had made a decision to follow Christ.  He stood firm in this decision despite the fact that his family and friends did not like it and thought he totally lost his mind.  He even left a  girlfriend of three years because she chose alcohol and her lifestyle over a relationship with Christ. 
About two weeks after writing to me, Chris was driving on his way to church.  Just before he arrived, Chris got into a very serious accident which left him dying.  His last words to his family was a plea for them to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.  He whispered that Jesus was near to him right then and that he was not afraid to die! With that, he left this earth.  What a bold testimony of faith he had! Because of his faith, that 20-year-old young man is now with Jesus in heaven. 
By the power of Christ alone, Chris was able to choose to do what was right.  He made the hard decision to leave all that he had to get all that Christ had to give him. He was willing to go wherever Christ would lead him.  That young man had no idea when he wrote to me for advice that he had only a few weeks left to live!
I am humbled that God brought Chris to my blog.  I prayed for him and his family.  Christopher’s sister wrote that his  death changed everything for them.  Now the whole family wants to honor Chris and his prayers for them, so they decided to start attending the local church.  One young man with the courage of his conviction and a faith that stood the test was able to impact his whole family with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
After his death, the grieving family went through Christopher’s things and found his diary and the email he sent me.  I was sent a copy of something that he had written in his diary.  It brought me to tears. My dear friends, please read what this young man wrote from a heart that had been radically changed for Christ:
 ” I’ve been in love before, but in love with God is nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life.  A friend who I didn’t know existed and who was always around anytime 24/7.  I don’t regret my decision.  I regret not making this decision earlier.  I always thought people who went to church are all perfect and holy.  But no, they are just as broken as I am.  God knows best.  I pray that my family and friends will soon experience the love of God.  I don’t have a dad.  Never met him, never seen or heard from him.  But I stopped looking for him and wondering what a father is because I just found a Father of all fathers—-God! ”
My beloved friends, I don’t know where you are right now or what you have done. The truth is that Jesus wants you with him.  He has known your name long before he formed the world.  His love is true and he is faithful.  He has a way to bring you to victory no matter how impossible it may seem now.    Your weakness is now made strong by his power.  Christ can give you a future with hope and an eternity with him if you will surrender your heart to him.
The power of Christ gave a young man the courage to stand for his faith despite the outcome.  He gave him hope for a future and an unconditional love that he had never known before.  Chris never met his earthly father.  But the God of all heaven was a Father  to him whose eyes never left this young man for a second.  His life was cut short, but Chris made the decision for Christ that would last into eternity!
Have you made that decision to follow Christ?  You don’t have to wonder about it anymore. I am praying for you and I am here to talk to you if you have any questions.  My hope is that those who need to hear the truth will be open to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a free gift that is yours for the asking. 
I am lifting up Christopher’s family in prayer for comfort and healing.  I pray that they will continue to seek Christ and surrender to the only truth that matters! Just as Chris was not afraid to die – no believer ever has to fear death.
I think I will repeat the beginning of the diary entry:

“I’ve been in love before, but in love with God is nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life.  A friend who I didn’t know existed and who was always around anytime 24/7.  I don’t regret my decision.  I regret not making this decision earlier….”

How many of us can say that? It’s just… wow.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Relative Truth

There are people in this world that think that truth is relative. I disagree. When you say that truth is relative this is what you are saying:

What’s true for me is true for me and what’s true for you is true for you.

Okay. I have a question for you people. If what’s true for you is true for you and what’s true for me is true for me… well, what if my truth says that your truth is wrong? Is it still true?
God clearly says in the Bible that God is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). Truth is not relative. God is truth… so trust Him.  
If you have an argument, I'd love to hear it. Place something in the comments if you disagree... agree... ect.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

In Bible Class... Many Years Ago... Summer

This week, there have been many times that I’ve thought about posting something. One was song lyrics, but I decided against it. Then, B.H. talked about something in Bible class that reminded me of something.
B.H. made the point that when we sin, we think of it as a small sin. Then we think that if we go a little farther, then it doesn’t matter. We sin, and sin, and before we know it, we end up sinning at a “level” (I use that term loosely because all sin is equal – bad) that we never thought we would end up. It’s the “small” sins that grow to become the “bigger” sins.
He used the example of snow boarding. Once you start heading downhill, you can’t stop until you reach the bottom… or a pole.
I thought of a better example. When I was four… maybe… my grandma and grandpa lived in a condo that had a pool. During the summer, our family would visit our grandparents and go swimming in the pool.
My mom had told me not to go into the deep end because I couldn’t swim at the time; neither could I hold my breath under water. So, what do I do?
I start walking over to the deep end. I thought, If I can make it this far, I’m sure I could take one more step. Many steps later, my head was reaching to the sky, and my entire body was under water. For some stupid reason, I kept walking. I was on the tips of my toes. I stretched my foot out in front of me to see if I could touch the bottom before I moved, but I couldn’t. Unfortunately, since I only had one foot barely touching the bottom, I slipped, and my head plunged under the water.
The lifeguard blew her whistle, and had to come in to save me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

She walks in Beauty

Lord Byron (1788–1824)
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
I thought that I would put another poem up on here. This one wasn’t written by me, but a friend of mine asked is she could read it, so I told her that it would be easiest if I simply put it on my blog. So, here it is.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Will You take me as I am? (Song lyrics)

Before I get into the song, I need you to understand something. Your first instinct will be to think that he’s wrong, or I’m using to song to reflect my own life. I’m sharing this song because I think that the artist gives a good testimony. The reason I’m posting the lyrics but not the video that has music to it is because (not only do I not know how) I want you to be able to focus on the lyrics without shutting it out at the first sound of it. Please read through the whole thing before forming an opinion. If you really want to, feel free to look the song up on Youtube.
P.S. – any (parenthesis) is my add-on to explain what something means.

Artist: Lecrae

Christ through faith – I talked to someone the other day, and he was like, “Man, I really want to come to Christ, but I need to clean my life up first. I need to get my sins together.” I told him, “I used to think the same way, too. I thought I had to change myself before coming to Christ. Christ changed me. Let me tell you my story--- it starts like this:”

It’s 5:46 in the morning, tossing and turning
Chest burning
(Heart hurts because he’s being convicted by the Holy Spirit),
Sermons in my head keep reoccurring.
Having visions in my head of a kid
Crying at the feet of the Father,
For all the wrong things that he did.

Now I’m sweating in my sheets, can’t sleep.
My mind keeps telling me I’m six feet deep - Don’t remind me
Even though I’m still alive, I can’t tell.
The way I’m living my life,
I feel I’m going to Hell.

God, they tell me I should accept You ---
That You had to leave the world because the world left You.
The reason I can’t change, like a mystery to me
(Why can’t I change for good on my own? Why isn’t it working?).
So I make believe that there really is a heaven for a G
(I’m guessing that G stands for gangster, but it could just be indicating any sinner).

Even though they say You loved the world so much
You shed your blood,
God, I feel I’m too messed up for love!
They tell me come as I am, but I ___(put whatever reason you wish)___.
My whole life’s full of sin because it’s all I know.

The Bible told me that you died for my sins.
If I believe in Christ, it’ll save me from the end.
But I’m scared to ask you;
To save me –
My heart so evil.
I have thoughts full of hatred; hurting people.

I thought at first that I had to clean up my life.
Now, people are telling me that I just need to cling to the Light.
I’m ready to do it, but Lord, I pray You understand ---
My life is a mess – will You take me as I am?
Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
I’m sick and tired of trying to be the man
That my daddy never taught me to be.
I’m grown up now, and life is not what I thought it would be.
I made many mistakes in the past, and I can’t fix them.
Now, I’m staring at this crucifix tatted on my wrist
(A tattoo of the cross).

(Probably thinking this while looking at the tattoo)
Is it true what they tell me? Am I just crazy?
Did you bleed on the Cross for my sins to save me?
But why would you die for me?
My whole life I’ve been working for Satan
While he fed lies to me.

And now I’m hearing too much.
Trying to get a true touch
Of the love that can change me.
I’m all screwed up.
I figure hell is what I deserve,
But your word says we all fall short,
So I guess we all outta’ burn.

Teach me! I want to learn
How you could save a wretch like me,
Before death says, “It’s my turn.”
(Teach me how it is that You love me before I die)

I think I finally understand ---
No matter my past, You’ll still take me as I am!
Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
My father had a few last words to give:
I be telling people the reason to live
And the reason to die
It’s because they will be united with the King in the Sky.
(Sky – Heaven)
This life is passing us by; I have no reason to lie.

You’ll never give the world enough; they’ll hunger for more.
(If you're enslaved to the world, then it will always want more out of you)
They figure their ways are nothing to the wondrous Lord.
(The people living for the world think that if you live for yourself, then God doesn’t care)
More security than the man that left you;
More than the mom that kept you.
He’ll always accept you.

Be everything you’re supposed to.
Let Christ rule your heart, mind, body, and soul
Because he chose you.
If the world doesn’t know you, that doesn’t matter.
You’re God’s child, and he’ll never disown you!

Your purpose on earth is far from worthless.
That’s why you’re glorified like you’re life has been purchased.
And it doesn’t matter if the world don’t see us.
We still mean the world (everything) to Jesus.
(I’m skeptical on agreeing with this statement. Jesus didn’t need us. We need him… but I can kind of see what he’s saying)

Will You take me as I am?
I know the way I’m living is wrong.
But I can’t change on my own, trying to make it alone.
I wonder how You could love me when my life’s so ugly?
But You came down and died for me…

…Will You take me as I am?
Yeah, we’re saved by grace through faith;
It’s not works.
There’s nothing that you can do; there’s nothing that I can do
That can get us this grace salvation that we have.
It’s only Christ.

So if you feel like you have to clean yourself up before you come to Him,
Forget it --- Just come to Him.
He’ll take you as you are, and He’ll change YOU
From the inside --- out.

Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV)
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; 
it is the gift of God,
not of works, lest anyone should boast.
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
–        Apostle Paul

There’s one more thing that I want to say – when you listen to ‘Christian’ music, be careful. It is true that a famous person can be Christian, but even Christians slip. Listen to the lyrics of your Christian music and make sure that it’s glorifying Christ. This goes for everyone --- including me.
P.S. - If you decide to look this song up on Youtube, I don't recommend the music video. Get a video with either a still picture, or lyrics on-screen. Thank you.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pure Imagination

Welcome to my blog! I thought I would start out with some poems, but from now on, this website will be mostly pix, vids, and writings of what is curently going on in my life. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to get pix and vids on here yet, but I'm working on it.

Well, we had the Pure Imagination play at Northside last night along with the Candy Man's buffet. They certainly had enough sugary stuff there! As for the play itself, it was amazing! It was so much better than the Toad of Toad Hall play, or something like that.
G.R. did an awesome job as the candy dancer (even though she was only on for about a minute [sad face]). T.R., it turns out, is a great actor. The actors playing each character was perfectly chosen. No one forgot their lines (as far as I could tell).
These are probably my favorite lines:

Mike Teevee: What does it do? (talking about the device in front of him)

Willy Wonka: I'm sorry. Please speak up. I'm a bit deaf in that ear.

Mike Teevee: I SAID --- WHAT DOES IT DO!!!?

Willy Wonka: Now, I believe I have gone deaf in that ear as well.

lol! I never knew that M.P. was able to scream that loud! It was really unexpected. As my dad said, "It makes you wonder what he's like at home!"
Over all, it was just a wonderful production displayed at Northside Christian School. Presently, the school is trying to raise money towards a new elementary building. The present one is old and needs tearing down. During the play, the school was accepting donations towards the project of a new school building. The gym where the play was held was packed to the max, which was good for the school. I don't know how much they raised for the new building, but I'm sure it was a lot! Praise the Lord!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


River of Time

You’re walking along and come to a garden.
It is gorgeous, but you find a river.
It flows of milky white pearl that would not harden.
You gaze into the water and begin to shiver
Because the river shows pictures of frightful things.

You see things you’ve never dreamed of,
Things of the past
And some things to come.
Suddenly, the river pulls you.
It sucks you head-first.

As you draw closer,
You see a crowd.
Things begin to spin as if on a roller coaster.
It stops.
Suddenly, you scream out loud.
But no one hears.

Though people surround you,
Though you are amongst a multitude,
Nothing happens to you.

What would you do?
If you could feel, but not be felt?
What would you do if you could hear, but not be heard?
What if you could see, but not be seen?
What would you do?

In this crowd, you hear words shouted,
“Crucify him! Crucify him!”
You look up and see a man quite slim.
You realize –
This is Jesus.

What would you do?
If you could be felt, could be heard, could be seen?
Would you join the shouts and cries?
Or would you ask for his innocent blood not to be shed?

The wind changes.
You are swept a few moments away.
There you stand at the foot of the cross
On this which Jesus takes away our sin.
Our sin –
Every wrong that we had done against Him –
Paid for on that cross as he died.

What would you do?
What would you do as Jesus cries,
‘Father! Forgive them! For they know not what they do’?
What would you do?

The wind changes.
You are now three days afterward.
Jesus has risen from the dead.
You proceed forward
Towards the empty grave.

Someone taps you on the shoulder.
You turn around.
Standing there, smiling,
Is Jesus Christ stretching out his pierced hands.
You run into his arms.

Now, without realizing,
You’re back in the garden.
The wind blows, and the river flows.

Now, after this experience,
The real question is not
What would you do, but
How do you change?